UNA MBA 2016年夏季班共計83位申請者,相較於2015年夏季班,申請人數成長151%
UNA 的 MBA 課程受 AACSB ( 國際商管促進協會 )認可,評鑑結果特別指出其具權威性的學術研究品質與高學位價值
使我們獲得認證與肯定即使 UNA 的MBA 課程與學位具國際評鑑認可的優良水準,我們始終為國內最低學費的學校之一
高品質的課程與持續提升的學位價值,使 UNA MBA Program 的申請人數正不斷增加中!
There are 83 new registered students in the UNA MBA program for summer 2016, which is a 151% increase over last summer. The MBA program at UNA is accredited by AACSB, pointing to the strength of our academics and of the value of the degree. Despite the incredible quality of the UNA MBA degree, we still maintain one of the lowest tuition rates in the country. Quality and value are causing our numbers to rise!